Thursday, January 5, 2012

Making Better Use of My Time.....a list of books to read in 2012

Next week will mark a full year since we cancelled cable television.  We don't even have local channels on the tv.  We do have a Netflix subscription so we can watch Nova, National Geographic, the History Channel, and some excellent "old" movies from the 40s/50s/60s. 

For the first two weeks after cancelling the cable I will admit that I really didn't know what to do with myself.  It had become a habit to plop down on the couch after putting the little ones to bed and just zone out watching useless programs. 

Its been almost a year and I can see I need to make better use of my "down time".....unfortunately I replaced watching television with browsing the internet.  Again.....without real purpose....just kind of wasting hours dinking around on the internet.

Well....its a New Year.....and time to start a New Habit!!  It is my goal to spend my evening "down time" reading books that ARE of use! :)  I have had almost all of the books sitting on my shelf at home collecting dust (some of them have been sitting for yearssss).  Its time to dust them off and spend my time INTENTIONALLY!! :)

Here are the books I plan to read this year:

Have you read any of the above??  Plan on reading any of the above?? I would love to hear any comments! :)

Here's to happy reading !


Unknown said...

Hi Elizabeth! I just realized you had a blog (found it on fb). I'm a blogger too! Looks like you have a lot of good reads to dive into! I have read a few of them:
-Get Out of the Pit (good. gives much insight to our own insecurities but also into the insecurities of other woman and how/why we respond to one another as we do. i found this helpful.)
-Love & Respect (very good! get off that crazy cycle! :)
-The Power of a Praying Wife (loved this one...the devotional version is specific prayers to pray over your husband and marriage and has the book broken down into topics/struggles/needs...I still refer to it and have adopted some of the verses she recommends as life verses for our marriage)
-Bringing up Girls (haven't finished the whole thing. Dobson is great, just have had a hard time getting into)
-5 Love Languages of Children (read a long time ago, but I am a more seasoned parent now and would love to revisit this. also insightful in learning the hearts of your kids, how they best give and receive love)

There's a few on your list that I'd like to read:
-Shepherding a Child's Heart
-7 Habits of Highly Effective Families
(our family just finished a 40 day family challenge...i bet this book would have come in handy in implementing some of the changes we tackled, and would give good tips on what other things to change/implement)

Let me know if you read any of these. I know you are a very busy mama! Reading has probably been at the bottom of your to-do list! But kudos to you for getting rid of the cable. I dislike the tv...but i don't know if i am as brave as you! :)

Blessings to you and your family!
-Amanda Schrieber
(from co-op)